From the question, it seems it is a Pathfinder campaign.
Not familiar about that one, so I am just giving my core-only DND 3.5e answer here.
+5 Mithral full plate of speed Max 3 Dex AC, +13 Armor AC
+6 Gloves of Dexterity +3 Dex AC
+5 Tower Shield +9 Shield AC
+5 Amulet of Natural Armor +5 Natural AC
Why I abandoned Alter Self (Lizardfork) and Polymorph:
When the change occurs, your equipment, if any, either remains worn or held by the new form (if it is capable of wearing or holding the item), or melds into the new form and becomes nonfunctional. When you revert to your true form, any objects previously melded into the new form reappear in the same location on your body they previously occupied and are once again functional. Any new items you wore in the assumed form and can't wear in your normal form fall off and land at your feet; any that you could wear in either form or carry in a body part common to both forms at the time of reversion are still held in the same way. Any part of the body or piece of equipment that is separated from the whole reverts to its true form.
The above description applies to both Alter Self and Polymorph.
Some equipment (shoes, amulets, rings, etc. Basically all magic equipment except armor and weapon and shield) will automatically change their size to fit your new forms, and some others (weapon and armor) won't do, so changing your size may make them cease functioning. As a general suggestion, do not change into a creature with a different size via these spells and make sure what you change into has two hands and two legs to avoid issues and keep having your armor and shield AC bonus. (I don't think you can change into anything that has more natural AC than the combination of your armor and your shield (+22 in total) with Polymorph. All I can find are dragons with 20+ HD, which are out of Polymorph's reach (capped 15 HD maximum).)
Reduce Person and Enlarge Person, however, does change the size of your armor and weapon to fit your new size. So they won't have the same issue as Polymorph.
Alter Self won't have that issue in most cases, since it has the limitation on size and type to be the same as your normal form.
But, in this specific case of having a full plate, this can be an issue (although it would depend on how happy your DM is when you are following this guide since most DM would likely ignore the following limitation in normal gameplay). Because:
Full Plate
The suit includes gauntlets, heavy leather boots, a visored helmet, and a thick layer of padding that is worn underneath the armor. Each suit of full plate must be individually fitted to its owner by a master armorsmith, although a captured suit can be resized to fit a new owner at a cost of 200 to 800 (2d4×100) gold pieces.
So if your DM is not happy about what you are doing right now, they have the full right to claim that "Your shiny full plate armor is not changing shape when you change your shape with Alter Self (or Polymorph). So since it no longer fits your new form, you are no longer capable of wearing it and it melds into your new form and become nonfunctional." If you don't want this to happen, either avoid Alter Self and Polymorph altogether or buy enough snack for your DM before the game starts.
+5 Ring of Protection +5 Deflect AC
Dodge Feat +1 Dodge AC
Dusty Rose Ioun Stone +1 Insight AC
Reduce Person +1 Size AC
Haste +1 Dodge AC
Total: 49 AC (+3 Dex, +13 Armor, +9 Shield, +5 Natural, +5 Deflect, +1 Size, +2 Dodge, +1 Insight)
Touch: 22
Flat-Footed: 43
And since Defending Special Weapon Ability provides you untyped AC bonus, you can put them on your armor spike, your shield, your pair of gauntlets, and your weapon. These can provide you additional +25 untyped AC in total (and it doesn't mean you have to purchase a lot of +6 weapons, because RAW-wise, the enhancement bonus comes from Greater Magic Weapon also counts). So the AC here will be:
Total: 74 (+3 Dex, +13 Armor, +9 Shield, +5 Natural, +5 Deflect, +1 Size, +2 Dodge, +1 Insight, +5 Armor Spike, +5 Shield, +5 Left Gauntlet, +5 Right Gauntlet, +5 Weapon) (Consult your DM to check if Tower Shield can be used in this manner. It might not be able to be made a magic weapon since it cannot be used for shield bash.)
Touch: 47
Flat-Footed: 68
If you are taking some levels from Dwarven Defender, then in your Defensive Stance, you gain additional +4 Dodge AC. You also get Uncanny Dodge later on. Which can make you:
Total: 78 (+3 Dex, +13 Armor, +9 Shield, +5 Natural, +5 Deflect, +1 Size, +2 Dodge, +1 Insight, +5 Armor Spike, +5 Shield, +5 Left Gauntlet, +5 Right Gauntlet, +5 Weapon, +4 Dodge [Defensive Stance])
Touch: 51
Flat-Footed: 78 (Uncanny Dodge)
You can also get +4 Dodge for Full Defending, or +2 Dodge from Fighting Defensively plus +5 Dodge from Combat Expertise (feat) (or +20 Dodge from Improved Combat Expertise (feat from Completed Warrior)).
So maximum AC would then become:
Total: 85 (+3 Dex, +13 Armor, +9 Shield, +5 Natural, +5 Deflect, +1 Size, +2 Dodge, +1 Insight, +5 Armor Spike, +5 Shield, +5 Left Gauntlet, +5 Right Gauntlet, +5 Weapon, +4 Dodge [Defensive Stance], +2 Dodge [Fighting Defensively], +5 Dodge [Combat Expertise])
Touch: 58
Flat-Footed: 85 (Uncanny Dodge)
PS. If you get "Improved Combat Expertise" from Completed Warrior, you get 15 Dodge AC extra and your AC becomes 100.
Again, that's very expensive. And you won't be very much efficient during the combat since you have invested so heavily on AC but might lack resources for your offensive abilities and saves.