Assuming that players are causing a monster with the Legendary Resistance ability to make enough saving throws that it will use them all up, should the players be aware when that point has come? (As a corollary, should the characters know?)
Monster Manual p.87
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Option 1a. Players and Characters Know, including how many
Player: Elpheba casts Fireball targeting the point closest to the dragon. Make a Dexterity saving throw!
DM: Rolls and checks player's spell save DC. The dragon would have failed the saving throw, but it uses one of its legendary resistances to succeed instead! It twists and turns in the air to avoid the brunt of your fireball's effect. Roll for damage and the dragon takes half.
Player: Drat! But at least we've burned through the last of them... Let your highest-level spells fly, friends!
Option 1b. Players and Characters Know, but not how many
Player: Elpheba casts Fireball targeting the point closest to the dragon. Make a Dexterity saving throw!
DM: Rolls and checks player's spell save DC. The dragon would have failed the saving throw, but it uses one of its legendary resistances to succeed instead! It twists and turns in the air to avoid the brunt of your fireball's effect. Roll for damage and the dragon takes half.
Player: Drat! But at least we've burned through three of them.
Option 2. Players and Characters Don't Know
Player: Elpheba casts Fireball targeting the point closest to the dragon. Make a Dexterity saving throw!
DM: Rolls and checks player's spell save DC. The dragon succeeds on the saving throw as it twists and turns in the air to avoid the brunt of your fireball's effect. Roll for damage and the dragon takes half.
Player: Drat!
Option 3. Players Know, Characters Don't
Player: Elpheba casts Fireball targeting the point closest to the dragon. Make a Dexterity saving throw!
DM: Rolls and checks player's spell save DC. The dragon would have failed the saving throw, but it uses one of its legendary resistances to succeed instead! It twists and turns in the air to avoid the brunt of your fireball's effect. Roll for damage and the dragon takes half.
Player: Drat! But at least we've burned through another of them.