The most fundamental difference is that the character sheet is now 2 pages rather than 3.
As a TL;DR none of the changes are necessitated by rules changes from what I can tell (just renaming of some things and reorganizing otherwise). The following sections have been removed:
- Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws section
- Fields for Age, Height, Weight, Eyes, Skin, and Hair
- Allies and Organization
- Additional Features & Traits (although there is much more space for these)
- Treasure
As far as I can tell, no full sections have been added but a number of sections have been improved with subsections and fields for better organization and readability.
Now, let's go through each section on the original official 5e sheets one by one
Marketing Image Link to follow along
Page 1
Character Origin Details
- Name, class, background, and race have been moved from a full length top bar to the top left
- Race is now called Species
- A subclass field was added
- Alignment has been moved to the background and personality section found on the second page (discussed later)
Level and Experience
- The level field is now in it's own area on the top bar rather than being included in the class field
- The experience field joins it there
Armor Class and Hit Points
- The Armor Class and hit points have been moved from the middle column to the also join the top bar
- A Shield checkbox has been added to the Armor Class section
- Temporary Hit Points have lost their own section joining the Hit Points section
- Initiative and Speed remained in the same spot (discussed later).
- The "Dungeons & Dragons" Logo is moved from the top left to below the top bar
- There is no more stylized Dragon
Proficiency Bonus, Ability Bonus, Skills, and Inspiration
- These portions of the character sheet remain in the same place but have been reorganized
- The primary change is that the saving throws and skills have been moved under their respective ability scores
- Proficiency bonus is moved to the top left of this section
- Inspiration, now called Heroic Inspiration, is moved to the bottom right of this section
Equipment Proficiencies
- This section remains in the same place in the bottom left
- Armor, Weapons, and Tools are broken down
- Check boxes for Armor types are added
- Languages are moved to their own section on the second page (discussed later)
Key Traits
- Initiative and speed remain in the topmost bar right of the ability score section
- This bar is extended to include size and passive perception
- This extension is possible because the Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws section is completely removed
Weapon and Cantrip Attacks
- With the HP section moved, the Weapon and Cantrip Attacks section is moved to take its place
- Like the Key Traits section it is extended to fill the space that the Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws section vacated
- A notes section is added
Features and Traits
- With the Weapon and Cantrip Attacks section moved, the Features and Traits section is able to take up the real estate in the center of the page
- Equipment is moved to page 2 (discussed later) also freeing up more real estate
- The Features and Traits section is divided into Class Features, Species Traits, and Feats
- There is no longer an Additional Features & Traits field (on page 2 of the old version)
That concludes page 1; page 2 and 3 (character details and spells) of the old character sheets into one page:
Page 2
Granular Appearance Fields
- The fields for Age, Height, Weight, Eyes, Skin, and Hair are removed entirely
- The Character Appearance section, now called Appearance, is moved from the top left to the top right
- The new section is considerably smaller than the old version
Backstory and Personality
- The Character Backstory is moved from the bottom left to just below Appearance.
- It's title is also adjusted to include Personality accounting for the lack of that field on page 1
- Alignment is added as a field in this section
- The new section is considerably smaller than the old version
- The languages are now in their own section beneath Backstory and Personality
Equipment and Wealth
- Equipment and Wealth are moved to the bottom right of page 2 from page 1
- Magic Item Attunement fields have been added
- Coins is now it's own section and is changed from vertical to horizontal
- There is no longer a Treasure section (on page 2 of the old version)
Allies and Organizations
- This section is not present on the new sheet
Spellcasting Class and Ability Details
Spell Slots
- These are now organized at the top of the spells section rather than being found in each section of spells
Cantrips and Prepared Spells
- Kernelpanic's image shows that Cantrips and Prepared Spells are in the next section taking up most of the page.
- This section is no longer organized by spell level
- There are fields for Level, Name, Casting Time, Range, and Notes
- There are check boxes for Concentration, Ritual, and Required Material (probably to indicate a focus won't work)