The rules don’t say you can.
Reviewing the rules for rolling dice (Chronicles of Darkness core book, p. 68):
Failure: Your character’s action fails. This doesn’t mean “nothing happens,” just that she doesn’t get what she wants and complications
are headed her way. Occurs when you roll no successes.
Dramatic Failure: Your character fails badly, and things are about to get a whole lot worse. Suffered when you roll a 1 on a chance die.
Alternately you can take a Beat in exchange for turning a normal
failure into a dramatic failure.
(Italics added for emphasis.)
So, if what you want is to weaken the safe, then, as per the rules, a failure means you don't get what you want. And the ways one gets a dramatic failure are to roll a one on a chance die or to buy it for a beat after failing naturally.
The intent is that when you're rolling to achieve an end — "accomplish something" – success means achieving the goal and failure means not achieving it. Attempting to fail isn't an element of this game, any more than "I try to miss the target and intentionally fail, thereby hitting it."