I read somewhere that if you take an action that causes an AoO, from the subsequent roll for that action, you have to subtract the eventually taken damage. Is it right?
If yes, does this apply too to the case where I move away from a threatened square, causing an AoO, to attack a creature? Do I have to subtract the damage from the AoO from my next attack roll?
I remember that I read this in the System Operational Reference Digest. There under Combat maneuvre (page 10) there is:
Bull Rush (standard action)
One size category larger or less or part of a charge
- Resolve AoO - Resolve AoO from the target. The Improved Bull Rush feat (or similar ability) avoids drawing AoO.
- Roll - Subtract any target’s AoO damage on the roll.
- Effect - Success: Push the target back 5 feet plus 5 more feet for each 5 by which the roll exceeds the CMD. You can move with the target if you have movement left.
Fail: Your move ends in front of the target.
You cannot bull rush a target into a solid square or obstacle.
The point 2. says: Subtract any target’s AoO damage on the roll. This for all CM with a roll (disarm, grapple, overrun, etc).