Okay, Here's my take on it. I'm not terribly familure with the myth but I think it covers the bases. (ps my math is not perfect as im just doing it by hand so please consider this an example not the definitive answer to what someone could do with it).
Tsuchigumo Lurker Level 4 Lurker
Medium Aberrant Humanoid Xp 175
Init +8 Sense Perception +9, Darkvision
Hps 42; Bloodied 21
Ac 18, Fort 16, Ref 18, Will 14
Speed 5
Parasitic Illusion
The Lurker can take part in a Tsuchigumo Queen's Illusion Power appearing as a minor actor or figure within the illussion. The Lurker is not invisible, but appears as a non threatening humanoid.
Spider Claws
Melee Basic, Standard, At- Will
+9 vs Ac; 1d6+4 Damage and 2 ongoing poison damage.
Special: If the target gives combat advantage this power deals ongoing 5 poison damage.
Special: If the target is affected by the Tsuchigumo Queen's Illusion Power the Lurker may use this power. It deals no damage and requires no attack roll and inflicts ongoing 2 poison damage.
Tsuchigumo Queen Level 4 Solo
Large Aberrant Beast Xp 700
Init +2 Sense Perception +10, Darkvision
Hps 280; Bloodied 140
Ac 16, Fort 20, Ref 14, Will 18
Speed 2
Web Illusion
The Tsuchigumo Queen can create a cunning illusion from nothing more than cobwebs and malice. The Queen can create the appearance of people, places, buildings and more within a 1 mile radius from herself. This effect requires 24 hours preparation but lasts until it is detected, or the party succeeds a complexity 2 skill challenge ( 6 successes before 3 failures ). The Key Skills are Insight, Perception and Nature. Doing Damage to a figure in the illussion counts as an auto success. If the Party succeeds the illusion is dropped. If the Party fails, they take ongoing 10 poison Damage and the illusion drops after the end of the Tsuchigumo's Turn.
Melee Basic, Standard, At- Will
Make two mandibles attack.
+7 vs Ac; 1d10+4 Damage
Special: If both attacks hit the same target, that target takes 10 ongoing poison damage (save ends).
Spawning Blow
Immediate Interrupt, Free Action, At-Will
Trigger- The Tsuchigumo Queen is bloodied or reduced to 0 hps.
Effect: The queen spawns four Tsuchigumo Broodlings adjacent to her and then shifts 8 squares, ignoring difficult terrain.
Tsuchigumo Broodlings Level 4 minion
Small Aberrant Beasts Xp 37
Hps 1, a missed attack never damages a minion
Ac 14, Fort 12, Ref 16, Will 12
Speed 7
Feeding Frenzy
basic attack, standard, at-will
+6 vs Ac, 2 damage and 2 poison damage for every broodling Adjacent to the target (including this one).