In the D&D 3.0 Dungeon Master's Guide there is a sample dungeon (p. 126) that has only the first three rooms detailed. This is the dungeon where Lidda (infamously) gets eaten by ghouls in the example of play (p. 130). This dungeon is also a re-write of the sample dungeon that appeared in the AD&D 1st edition Dungeon Masters Guide. (Note that the dungeon was removed in the DMG v3.5.)
A few years ago I discovered that someone had done a complete write-up for 3.x of that sample dungeon and fleshed it out into a full-fledged adventure. The author had apparently used the random encounter-generation tables in the DMG to fill out the dungeon to see if a coherent adventure could be formed out of the results, and it looked pretty good. The dungeon had been themed as the ruins of a monastery of fire-themed monks, and there was a chamber at the very end that contained the fabled fist-sized ruby of those monks. I seem to recall that there was even a dragon lurking in the dungeon somewhere too.
I cannot for the life of me find this adventure now, regardless of what I ask Google.
Does anyone know the name of this dungeon adventure and where to find it?