Since Revised edition, I have found that Dexterity is a very powerful trait and that Strength is not so important.
- Dexterity + Wits determine initiative, which is a big advantage in combat.
- Dexterity + Brawl/Melee/Firearms give the dice pool trying to attack.
- Dexterity + Athletics(v20)/Dodge(rev.)/Brawl/Melee give the dice pool avoiding the attack.
- If the attack hits, each success above the first give an extra die to the damage roll, so Dexterity also contributes to damage.
On the other hand, in the basic combat, the only use of Strength is:
- In melee or brawl the damage is calculated with Strength + weapon/maneuver bonus + extra successes.
This way a character with high Dexterity can compensate a low Strength (dexterity successes contribute to damage), but a character with high Strength can't compensate a low Dexterity (he will act later, will impact less times, and will receive more hits).
That seems unfair to me, because Strength dots cost just as much as Dexterity dots, so I want to fix it. But first I want to know if I'm wrong, (surely the White Wolf professional game designers knows better than me) and the system is not as unbalanced as I feel it.
If people share my views and find that imbalance to be a problem, I would like to hear proposals about how to fix it. The house rule we are using is adding half the successes in melee and brawl (round down) to the damage dice pool instead of successes-1, but I have fear that it can't damage the game balance in some aspects (like the weapons damage).
Note: I know that WoD is not as mathematically balanced as other games. Still I think that some balance between fresh created characters is desirable. I'd prefer that the answers are not centered in discussing if game balance is important or not in a Narrative game, because I have my own opinions.