I have a Magus who specialises in Mentem magics, as such most of his spells are Eye range. Sadly the campaign has ended up being more about stealth and physical subtlety rather than politics and mental subtlety, so he often find himself hanging around invisibly, waiting for his target to wake/look up and allow him to unleash his spell.
Most of these spells could be vis boosted to Sight, but I haven't seen a single pawn of Mentem Vis in 100 sessions and our Technique vis is far too valuable to waste on spell boosting.
As such, I have been toying with a number of options, but they all have their problems:
Use a meta-magical effect to turn any Eye range spell into a Touch range spell.
- MuVi (General*2, General, or General/2) R:Touch, D:Spec, T:Ind
- I'm not sure what sort of meta-magical effect turning Eye into Touch would be, Eye and Touch are the same range, so I would expect this to be a superficial change. I.e. a Level 10 MuVi would allow me to convert my Level 30 Eye spell into a Touch spell ((10+5)*2).
- Sadly meta-magical effects also have double the number of botch dice and effectively cause you to cast the other spell un-mastered too, not to mention the concentration rolls required to cast both spells simultaneously.
Use ReVi to make the magic come from just in front of the targets eyes.
- Opening the Intangible Tunnel (ReVi General+5) R:Touch, D:Conc, T:Ind
- This would work well when the target is awake, but would need to be Level 25 to work with my Level 30 Eye spell.
- There is the chance that a magically aware being might notice the tunnel and use it against the caster.
Use ReCo to make the target glance in your direction at just the right moment.
- Lifting the dangling puppet ReCo 5, R:Touch, D:Conc, T:Ind.
- It is going to be fairly obvious their head/eyes were yanked around.
- Could be used to open the eyes of a sleeping target, but risks waking them.
Use ReMe to make the target look in the right direction at just the right time.
- ReMe 20, R:Touch, D:Conc, T:Ind.
- As it is a Re effect it could ensure that the target stays asleep when they open their eyes.
- I would have to invest multiple seasons of lab time to create this spell.
This last option looks the best, and fits in well with my Magus' specialities, but I wonder if my reasoning is correct and whether there are any options I have missed.
Note my Magus already has a mastered formulaic CrMe10 spell called Essence of Diplomacy which can be used to plant a thought into someone's mind (as if they had had it themselves), such as "Glance over at the doorway", but it is still Eye range and isn't very useful if they are asleep. I could just research a touch version of that spell, but I was hoping for other options I might have missed.
- Would a metamagical spell to switch Eye for Touch be a superficial change to a spell?
- Are there any other options for my desired effect that I have missed?
Note, we are playing Ars Magica 4th edition with some elements from 5th edition and house rules on penetration which I won't go into here (I can adjust for these myself and discussion of them wouldn't help future visitors to this question).