In the Actual play example, pg. 352, right hand column in the middle:
DIANA - ..."I'm going to hurl flame at the wounded bandit and use a level of Effort to increase the damage to 5.."
From page 53 "Bears a Halo of Fire": "Hurl Flame (2 intellect points....short range that deals 4 points of damage"
And, with effort applied to damage being +3 points that would make 7 points of damage, minus 1 point for the armor of the bandits. So shouldn't it be 6 points of damage, not 5 as Diana mentions?
Also, the next action by BRUCE (same page as above) He rolls a 10 on his bow shot. Did he somehow lower the target number (12 for a lvl 4 bandit) to get a hit on that roll?
I'm sure this was well edited so I must be missing something!