The rules from page 188 of the God Machine Rules Update read:
Near Misses
So what happens if a character accumulates most of the successes required for the extended action but has to stop due to running out of time or reaching the maximum number of rolls? All of the work the character did doesn’t just vanish, after all. That’s true, insofar as it goes.
Once the character has reached the maximum allowable rolls for a given extended action, however, he has exhausted the limits of his talent in the area. He can come back to it once his dice pool changes — if the player buys up the relevant Skill or Attribute or buys a new Specialty, the character can pick up where he left off (but he only gets one more roll unless the player changes the dice pool by more than one die).
If the character had to abandon the project before the maximum number of rolls was reached, however, he can come back to it and continue making the rolls until he reaches that limit, provided that it’s the kind of project that will “keep.” A character could continue working on a novel for years, but making a soufflé is probably a one-attempt project.
If the player has accumulated less than 25% of the total required successes (round down), the successes are lost. The character just didn’t get a good enough start on the project. If the player accumulated at least 50% of the total required successes (round down), the player can add a +2 bonus to the first roll of the extended action if the character attempts it again within the same chapter. If the player accumulated 75% or more of the total required successes (round down), the player can add a +4 bonus to the first roll of the extended action, if the character attempts it again within the same story. If the player rolled an exceptional success during the process and opted for the “end bonus” option, that option remains even if the character comes back to the action later.
Example: Sammy ultimately failed the action, but he did so with six out of seven successes. If he tries to fix that car again any time during this story, he’ll receive a net bonus of +2 on the first roll (+4 for the progress he made, –2 for the dramatic failure at the end). Also, if he completes it, he’ll keep the Souped Up Condition on the car. Since he only made four rolls on the initial project, he can make three more to finish this project. He only needs one more success — that should be plenty.
So as I interpret it the rules are:
If you are run out of rolls, you run out of rolls. That is it. Unless you up your skill/attribute/speciality to be allowed more rolls. If you do come back after upping the stat, you continue right where you left off. If you had to abandon it, without using up all your rolls . (I guess it is open to debate as to what counts as abandoning it, and what counts are taking a break.), if you later decided to continue you also come back to it right where you left off, but you will get a bonus for having a proportion completed.
So it actually seems to be that it is better to roll dice until you hit 50% completion , "abandon the project", come back to it with a +2 bonus, abandon it, come back with a +4 bonus and complete it. Is this correct? it seems silly.