I have a basic intuition about dice in Burning Wheel, but it's handy to be able to look at actual probability distributions to hone your intuition. Especially since important rolls can involve exploding dice or rerolls, which both complicate the mental math a bit.
How can I represent Burning Wheel rolls, including open-ended dice and rerolls, in AnyDice?
Since this question calls for AnyDice mastery rather than deep understanding of BW as a system, here's a quick summary of what we need to model.
Burning Wheel uses a dice-pool system. A test involves rolling a set of d6s. For each die rolled:
- Black shade ability (typical): 4-6 is a success
- Gray shade ability: 3-6 is a success
- White shade ability: 2-6 is a success
Adding up the successes gives you the total success number, which is then compared against the Obstacle to determine overall success or failure.
(For example, if I roll 4D vs. Ob 2, that means I want to roll 4d6, count the number that come up 4+, and then I've won the roll if I got at least two successes total.)
Additionally, you can spend character resources for these special tricks:
- For a Fate point, you can make a roll "open-ended," so any sixes rolled will give you an extra die to throw in. Those extra dice also explode, &c., &c.
- A Deeds point or Call-On allow a player to pick up all failed dice and reroll them.
- (Here's the corner case: if you explode dice first and then reroll failures, only the original failed dice count; just discard any extras that don't count as successes.)
can model these probabilities. Docs: rubydoc.info/gems/games_dice/0.3.10/frames \$\endgroup\$