I'm in a group now, headed by a very (very) capable DM. We've been playing a very solid, very serious D&D campaign in an awesome setting entirely of his creation. However, some of the players have been longing for more humor – something we don't get unless I (and I do seem to be the only one) roll a natural 1. The group has spoken, and we've decided to let me take a whack at being the GM for a one-off humor-oriented game. What I can't decide is which game.
On the one hand, I have Tales From the Floating Vagabond. In fact, I was such a huge fan of it, that not only do I have the original game, but I have all of its add-ons. (My earlier question was more for the others in the group than me.) On the other hand, I have Paranoia.
I have GMed Floating Vagabond – but not since I was a teenager (almost 20 years ago), and I'm not certain I did it justice at the time. I have never GMed Paranoia. I have read Paranoia XP, and want to build a campaign around "my vision" of Alpha Complex, but I worry about having never done such a thing and the players not necessarily being used to backstabbing within their ranks.
What are some pros and cons of TFtFV versus Paranoia for a group of players who are somewhat new, and more importantly, are looking for humor?