
Just started a session of Blade of the Iron Throne, looks good and I have only just rolled my character.

During the character creation you choose a culture, I chose savage. I read the bonuses you get as useful on the attributes, but I was wondering about the statement where you get +5 skill on Animal Ken etc. Is that per skill or just an extra 5 points to spread over the relevant skills?

I am currently reading this as +5 extra to spread.


1 Answer 1


the exact wording under Savage Cultures, from pg. 24:

5 bonus skill points related to Survival, Climbing, Animal Ken, etc.

I read this as 5 points to spread.

The only area which seems open to interpretation is the "etc." which I see as being "If you can justify it making sense to your GM about whether a certain skill should or shouldn't also be included based on your culture".

  • \$\begingroup\$ I think this gives a bit of freedom, if you can argue the case for lock picking... If you were planning on survival anyway that is useful as you get that skill for free then. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 10, 2014 at 12:06

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