I made a similar question earlier, but I still don't quite understand how exactly do his "minions" work. Is he able to control as many servitors as his Tech-Use (intelligence bonus) allows him? How exactly does he do that?
First, let's check the rules the book gives
Tech-Use can be used to direct the actions of Servitors; when used this way, Tech-Use functions identically to Command.
Then, Command works like this:
Command (Basic)
The Explorer utilizes the Command skill to both direct those under his authority and establish actions for groups to execute on command, such as bringing a ship to battle stations. This skill is only effective upon those under the Explorer’s authority. A successful Command Test indicates that those whom he directs follow his instructions in a timely manner. Failure on the Skill Test when used on an individual simply means that he does not follow the Explorer’s directions, though additional Degrees of Failure can indicate that the individual accepts the task with no intention of actually doing it, or could even misinterpret the command or take contradictory actions. For directing groups, Degrees of Success or Failure will increase or decrease the time necessary to execute the orders, with three or more Degrees of Failure subjecting them to confused inaction. A Command Test can affect a number of targets equal to the Explorer’s Fellowship Bonus. They must be able to see and hear him, though this could be done remotely through a vox- or pict-caster, and use speak a common language.
Skill Use: Half Action for simple commands, Full Action for more involved direction.
I am making the assumption that the Explorator will use his Intelligence instead of Fellowship to command the servitors. So, when his turn arrives, the Explorator can roll for Tech-use and if he succeeds he spends half action to command his servitors to attack or do whatever he wants them to do.
What's these rules don't explain is what's the difference between a "simple command" and a "more involved direction"? But what I really want to know is this:
Is there any limit to how many servitors he can bring into the fight?
What I am really looking for are rules that limit the Explorator's ability to take a army out of his pocket. Let's take a look at my party's: He has about 70 of Intelligence, which means he can control 7 servitors and practially triplicate the party in combat, turning a manageable group of 4 people into a mob of 11 individuals. I know I can just bring more enemies, but overall the combat is just going to turn more and more tedious. And he's only rank 1, when he gets more skills, he could control up to 24 minions. If the party is quite wealthy (this is Rogue Trader, so it will) there is absolutely nothing stopping him from spamming servitors, which can lead to pretty ridiculous situations.
I'd really like to avoid this. Is that possible without adding house rules?