I know you're getting several different answers but there appears to be either math or source problems so allow me to copy from the books:
Humans get:
4 extra skill points at 1st level (The 4 skill points at 1st level are added on as a bonus, not multiplied in) and
1 extra skill point at each additional level
Rangers get:
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Now you're Human Ranger is 2nd level with an int score of 14 granting a +2 modifier:
Your Level 2 Human Ranger has 45 Skill Points to spend and
Your maximum rank in a class skill is your character level + 3.
If it’s a cross-class skill, the maximum rank is half of that number (no rounding)
Note: Purchasing a cross-class skill costs 1 point for every 1/2 rank, so to get 1 point in a cross-class you would spend 2. This does leave the possibility for 1/2 ranks, which are counted on your sheet for the purpose of completing purchases next level, but do not actually count towards meeting the DC
Therefore, spending those 45 Skill points, the ranger can have no more than 5 "ranks" in any one skill. However, to determine total bonus he still gets to add his ability modifier and any feats or synergies. (at later levels there are magic item boosts or PRC bonuses as well but that't beyond the scope of this question.
Final Answer:
Level 2 Human Ranger has 45 Skill Points with a max rank of 5 ranks in any class skill & 2.5 for cross class skills.
Also, none of us have directly answered your question "Are there any house-rules that are balanced that can solve this problem?"
But I think you can see a house rule is not needed to fix the "problem", rather the existing rules just need to be followed. That said house rules are up to each "house" (DM) who runs them so there could be an endless amount of house rules.