
The Autohypnosis skill was added by Ultimate Psionics, published by Dreamscarred Press*.

On this page it says:

Presented are new psionics-related skills and existing skills that are used in new ways by psionic characters.

So the skill is psionics-related but does that mean it cannot be used by non-psionic classes? I could easily think of fluff related reasons for why/how other types of characters would/could train their mind in such a way. It doesn't seem to require any sort of innate psionic power, like actual telekinesis or other psionic abilities. Just intensive training.

In other words, is it a house-ruling to allow other types of characters to rank in Autohypnosis?

As an allegory, there's nothing preventing a Fighter from having ranks in Spellcraft and/or Use Magic Device...

*: So therefore 3rd Party material and not published/supported by Paizo.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Context: the autohypnosis skill also existed in the 3.5 psionic rules. \$\endgroup\$
    – starwed
    Commented Apr 27, 2014 at 19:48

2 Answers 2


If no restriction is listed (and I can confirm that none is), no restriction exists. It’s related to psionics because the only classes that have it in-class are psionic classes, but others can use it just fine. As you say, there’s no reason it should be restricted, and lo and behold, it’s not.


As the author of Ultimate Psionics, I can verify that anyone can use Autohypnosis, but only the psionic classes tend to have it as a class skill. So go ahead!


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