I recently acquired a bunch of old modules for 2nd and 3rd edition. Most of the module has been very easy to convert, however there is one thing I'm a bit stuck on. Traps.
It seems that some of these modules want to convince players to use their 10 foot pole, and check for traps every 5 feet. However I find that style obnoxious.
For example. A pit trap is given a DC of 22 to detect, then a DC of 18 to disarm, and is also given a DC of 20 to search and find a 6 inch walkway that bypasses it along the wall.
I've tried doing passive perception and asking players to roll perception all the time. I've also tried just having them fall into every third trap they pass, unless they do something special. None of them have been rewarding IMO. They either slow things down too much, or jar the players too much.
So far, I've been going through the modules, being able to explore 10-20 rooms an hour and having lots of fun, but I'm not sure how best to convert traps (on almost every hallway, door, or chest) and still keep a quick pace.
I don't want to remove the traps entirely, because they can be interesting if the players get creative, or they search and find neat treasures as a reward for dismantling the trap, or other story related wonders.
So, how do I convert traps to fit 5e from older modules?