There is a ritual in the Player's Handbook called Tenser's Floating Disk. I don't see any official errata for it in the UpdatePH document.
It reads:
You create a slightly concave, circular plane of force that floats a foot off the ground and can carry what you lay upon it. The disk is 3 feet in diameter and 1 inch deep at its center. It remains stationary unless you move more than 5 squares away from it, in which case it moves with your base speed once per round until it is within 5 squares of you. You can command the disk to move up to your speed as a move action. If you are more than 5 squares from the disk for 2 consecutive rounds, the disk disappears, dropping whatever it was carrying. Your Arcana check result determines the maximum load the disk can carry.
It takes 10 minutes, and lasts 24 hours.
I don't see any reason a character couldn't conjure multiple of these. Is there a related rule somewhere I'm missing?
If we can have multiple, then we can carry so much gold out of this dragon cavern. So much gold.