FATE is very clear in that its Aspects and Skills are largely metagame elements - they are meant to highlight what is important and true in the story, not to simulate what would happen in reality.
This however is currently causing a bit of a difficulty in a setting I am running, as it deals with giant, Anime-style mecha which can be piloted by characters.
Normally, I am treating mecha as Extras, with their own stress track and consequences, stunts and a couple of aspects. Player character aboard a mecha just use their own skills and may use either their own stress boxes or those of their mecha, same goes for consequences (to allow for pilot injuries).
This system works fine for combat mecha vs. mecha, as both sides are about equal in balancing terms. It works less well however for situations where the heroes are up against a mech while they themselves are on foot, trying to bring it down. In plot terms, this is meant to be a climactic battle where the mech suddenly is much tougher than it would be if seen from the cockpit of another mecha.
Three possible courses of action appear:
a) Use the same rules (extra) I'd normally use, making the battle fairly anticlimactic since we're still just rolling on the same scale (I'd like to prevent skill inflation if possible).
b) Forego the extra entirely and make this the roleplaying equivalent of a Shadow of the Colossus-style quicktime event chain, giving no explicit stress track but just letting players beat the enemy through Overcome and Advantage actions.
c) Give all mecha by default a stunt that gives them +2 against smaller-scale opponents.
FATE gives no direction on how to deal with this. I personally feel that c) is very gamey and leads to exactly the kind of inflation I am hoping to prevent, while a) might raise some eyebrows and feels very anticlimactic and b) turns the game into essentially an illusion of gameplay, even though this may be very much in the spirit of FATE.
What do you recommend? Are there house rules that could be employed here? Have I missed anything in the official rules? Any help would be appreciated!