My players have acquired the following artifact in the Vortex glimmer:
level 5 artifact that fires a green neural disruption beam at long range. Those struck suffer 2 points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor) and must make an Intellect defense roll or lose their next turn, stunned. It has a depletion of 1 in 1d10.
One of the players is now using it and I cannot wrap my head around it. So if my player attacks with it does he have to make two rolls: one intellect based attack roll, and one intellect roll for the stun? Or do I, as the GM, have to make an intellect based defense roll for the NPC they are attacking? If I have to make the roll, does the NPC have to make a roll of 15 (based on the level of the artifact) or better not to get stunned?