Inspired by this question, I was reminded of a role-playing game solicited in a late 90s or early 00s Previews (Diamond Distribution's monthly comic book and associated merchandise--including games--catalog). The game's setting was a traditional fantasy world wherein a series of books--reskinned by the game's authors to avoid infringement--falls from the sky. These books also describe a traditional fantasy world. The denizens of this fantasy world adopt the books as scripture and require all the setting's folks to have character sheets, which--either by magic or because the authorities say so--make interaction with the world different based on the sheet the denizen carries.
For example, at the actual, in-real-life gaming table sits Alex whose character in the game is a big burly warrior who's character's character sheet says he's a halfling thief. Therefore, the world interacts with Alex's character as if he were a halfling thief despite him being a big burly fighter.
I remember pre-ordering it and being disappointed the game was cancelled a few months before its release, never to be resolicited. I don't remember the game system. I don't remember the publisher. I don't even know if I've the premise exactly correct (hey, it was 1 paragraph in a 400-page catalog, like, 10 years ago).
What is this game's name? Was it ever released?