pg202, Change Linked Device Mode
A driver who is rigging the vehicle or has a direct neural link to it may activate or deactivate various systems such as sensors, ECM, weapons, and so on as a Free Action. The driver may also call up a status report to monitor the position, heading and speed, damage report, and/or current orders of the vehicle. Activated sensors, ECM, and ECCM systems come
online at the start of the next Action Phase, even if the character who activated the system does not have any actions due to their Initiative Score being 0 or less.
Also, I strongly suggest you look at the section starting on pg266, the section entitled Rigging and You where it details how it works to pilot a vehicle as a Rigger. The pages that describe these actions are a bit much to copy/paste into an answer but to put a direct response to your request: you turn the vehicle into part of your PAN and you control things fairly simultaneously through the Rigger Control Console (RCC).
The next section after this, starting on pg269 for Drones which describes using the AIs for all purposes and including piloting vehicles (most specifically Pilot Softs) and Autosofts for using weapons and even Electronic Warfare. On the page you reference, they reference even one time further to pg441, where they detail jammer devices which does not require a noise, it just needs to have a device rating because it creates noise. You can have an autosoft that works with reducing noise as well as long as you have the resources available.
If you elaborate on your question I will be glad to alter my answer.