Inspired by Where do I find the rules prohibiting animals from learning certain skills?
The Entertain trick gives a -2 penalty to perception to unwilling onlookers only if they fill a an opposed sense motive check against the animal's perform or charisma check.
Cats have a -2 to Charisma. Without ranks the DC is going to be really really low and thus only willing onlookers have a penalty to perception. Doesn't help if other people in the crowd notice.
I realize that the penalty is quite tiny, so trying to boost a cat at all costs is rather random, this raised the question for me - how high a perform dance check could a cat possibly have?
If you awaken it, it might have as much as 10 Charisma, but that's not all that impressive, and it ceises being able to really do the trick since it's no longer an animal. - However it could take levels in Bard or something that gives Dance as class skill. Puss in Boots had some sweet dancing skills...
But what about an animal cat? Familiars (according to this section) and Animal Companions aren't awakened just really smart - so all cats gained through class features or such count as well. Just not those that are essentially their own character (such as the awakened example above).