If you are a multiclassed druid, your wild shape ability is calculated as though your druid level were four higher, to a maximum level equal to your character level.
Does this feat affect every aspect Wild Shape, such as
- uses per day,
- duration,
- forms allowed (i.e. as beast shape I/II/II, elemental body I, etc.)?
Two examples:
Tygal: Human Normal Druid 4/Fighter 4
- Has effective character level 8
- Shaping Focus feat enables him to count his wildshape ability as he was a druid at 8th level (Normal Druid 4 plus 4 up to maximum his character level)
- Can wildshape to medium elemental as per elemental body II
- Can wildshape 3/day
- Efect lasts 8 hrs or until he changes back
Nazghymbatulu: Halfling Saurian Druid 4/Fighter 4
- Has effective character level 8
- Shaping Focus feat enables him to count his wildshape ability as he was a druid at 8th level (Saurian Druid 4 plus 4 up to maximum his character level)
- He can wildshape to medium air elemental or is he limited to small air elemental (Saurian Druid level -2) ...
- He cant use wildshape ...
- Can wildshape x/day
- Efect lasts x hrs or until he changes back