How does d20 Modern handle the common situation of having someone at gunpoint, or entering a room with your firearm in hand, cocked and ready to fire?
I'm asking because I notice that to draw a weapon is a Move Action that does not provoke an Opportunity Attack. Thus, this means that an attacker could enter a room with his weapon drawn, lose initiative to his opponent, and the opponent could draw a weapon and shoot the attacker dead quite easily.
This is not a situation that happens frequently in real life, movies, etc. Normally, if you have someone at gunpoint and you pull a weapon, they shoot you.
If the attacker won initiative, they could use an Attack Action to ready an attack on their opponent if they drew a weapon, ran, etc. But if they lose initiative, they're out of luck.
Similarly, the opponent with initiative could use two Move Actions and run out of sight before the attacker could fire on him.