Follow up on this question on the alchemist's stink bomb.
This bomb produces a stink cloud which, if you fail your save roll, will leave you nauseated.
Creatures with the nauseated condition experience stomach distress. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn.
In a game, a creature was nauseated but used acrobatics as part of its one move to jump over us blocking the exit and started to 'run' away.
Can you use acrobatics (or any other non-action-using skill) when you are nauseated? Does it fall under the 'anything else requiring attention'? What is an as close to exhaustive as possible list of things you can do when nauseated?
It sure does feel funny having a creature with stomach aches, so painful it can't even attack, jumping all over the place...