If you have a psychic with Telekinesis/Psychokinesis in oWoD, can you use the telekinetic Strength value for a damage roll on a melee weapon attack (assuming requisite attack/TK rolls succeed)? Would you consider replacing your physical strength, or adding it?
I understand we're going well into potential House Rules territory, but the rules in the books that I read are pretty lean in this specific regard. I'd like to at least have a basis for what I propose to the GM before we chat about it.
For more detail, I would like to create a Mortal+ that is specifically a "zen fighter" who uses mental potency and concentration to aid in combat effectiveness. This isn't ancillary to the character (e.g. a loophole or cheat), it's literally the core concept at stake.
Edit: For further specification, it was accepted during a campaign once by splitting the dice pool, rolling Psychokinesis, then rolling the attack (if it's all done in the same action). So it's already penalized by a lower die count in that regard. Seems legit, but there's some rules lawyering about Psychokinesis only applying to objects (arbitrary, but rules is rules). It gets a little sticky.