My girlfriend is fairly new to roleplaying, having tried a bit of LARP as murder parties (one INSMV and one XFiles-style game, she loved each one), and playing in a Cthulhu campaign I have been GMing for the last few months from a book I bought.
She told me she liked it, but something was off. She didn't know if it was the game itself, or if it was something else. She also told me it wasn't me. We also started playing some Vampire: The Masquerade, also GM'd by me.
One night we had a game session planned for our Cthulhu campaign, but one of the players could not come. We fell back to a one-shot Cthulhu scenario I knew quite well, with pre-made characters, that I could let them play on-the-spot without needing much preparation (The Hallowsay lighthouse, not that it matters). Some time after that, she told me she found out that she prefers one-shot scenarios rather than 'long' to-be-continued sessions or campaigns.
Can it come from me as a GM? She might have told me it does not only to be kind. Will some people actually never like campaigns or long stories, or can I get her to like them better?
If yes, how do I go about doing that? How can I deal with her not being too interested in a longer story when she did like a short one? Should I give her time to get her bearings as a roleplayer? It's been quite a few sessions now, and while her attitude has improved just slightly, there could be a lot more interest on her part.
Are there any GM or storytelling techniques (or any kind of technique, really) aimed at getting people excited about living a great adventure rather than preferring short I-will-never-play-as-what's-his-name-again stories ?
During sessions, she is not very active. She mostly follows other, more experienced players. She also sometimes uses her phone or even macbook while we are in session, so I'm looking into that too, but I think this is a different matter altogether.
PS: I used the Same Page Tool for the first time for the Vampire game, thinking that it could be of good use while having a really experienced player (his oldest not-destroyed/not-lost character sheet is older than me), a new player (her), and other moderately experienced players. We all agreed on what the game should be in order to be fun for everyone, so I don't know why she is not that active during sessions, other than still being fairly new to roleplaying.