I GMed my first game of FU (Freeform / Universal) rpg today, and it went well, but one issue came up which I would be grateful for some 'good subjective' advice about.
We were playing a "pirate superhero" game, where two pirate ships were trying to board each other. The PCs formed the crew of one ship, and I had been careful to avoid direct intra-party antagonism during chargen as per the recommendations on FU 8. At one point one PC acting completely in character wanted to throw a bomb at the other ship, and the other PC wanted the bomb to go into the sea - at first using telekinesis, then using physical intervention. The problem in terms of mechanics is that in FU, the players make all the rolls, and there are specifically no opposed actions (FU 13).
Of course I fudged things - the first time I got them both to roll, and as they both got odd numbers (both "nos"), I decided the bomb didn't leave the first PCs hand - it was held there telekinetically. For the physical intervention, I let the second PC's success subtract a dice from the first PC's pool. The result was exciting and fun (the ship got blown up, the second PC had his trademark beard singed), but I'm going to be playing FU some more in the next few days and I'd like to decide what the best way to handle PvP action is.
I'm aware this is subjective, so I'd like "good subjective" answers, from people who have played FU (or games with closely related mechanics) and worked out how to deal with player-vs-player / contested actions.