I'm running a campaign with my friends. We started Keep on the Shadowfell a year ago, and finished it at our latest session. (We don't play often, one of them is a doctor, so it's hard to schedule sessions. :-) )
I now want to continue playing with the Princes of the Apocalypse published adventure, starting at level 3/4. I think the KotS setup takes place in or near the King's Forest, in Cormyr. The PotA setup takes place on the Sword Coast, putting it more than 1500 miles away by road.
How do I get the characters from Winterhaven to Red Larch and into the adventure? Since we don't play often, I want it to happen within a single session. How do I deal with them being so far away, and not wanting to spend a long time getting them there? How do I hook them into the factions when I get them there?
My current idea is the following:
- They have their headquarters in Winterhaven.
- The Cult of the Howling Hatred is probably the first cult they're going to encounter, so
- The Prophet of the Cult invoked a powerful tornado to uproot the PC's HQ from Winterhaven and land it in or near Red Larch
- The PC's will be surprised (oh, really ?) and will learn that Red Larch is experiencing lots of weird weather changes, so the local NPC's won't be that surprised (although it's the first time they see survivors in a meteor-house)
- The PC's will probably start to investigate these weather changes, and will also hear about the missing delegation from Mirabar
- The wind cultists will fake good intentions when the PC's will meet them, and pretend they called the PC's for help (which is kinda true, the wind cultists want the PC's to weaken the other cults)
(I figure that the reason why the Cult of the Howling Hatred called the PCs is because they somehow heard about them closing the Gate to the Shadowfell in the Keep, and they think they should have a good experience in dismantling cults — read as: the 3 other primal cults.)
So far, so good, I think I should be able to handle that. That still leaves me with the problem of how to connect the NPC's to the five factions of PotA. Those factions seem important to me for this adventure because they give the PCs reasons to find and help the Mirabar delegation, and I can't just say "Ok, you just landed in a town far far away, now you must choose a faction". I need them to stay a while in town, meeting people, but I'd like that to occur at our first session, because like I said previously, we can't play very often, and I really want them to get involved in the adventure as soon as possible, investigating, killing monsters and stopping evil.