I'd thinking of building a zealot-type character, who would use Divine Feats to bolster his combat. To fuel those feats I need Turn Undead attempts per day. The normal way of getting them is having at least one cleric level or 4 paladin levels and a non-disastrous Charisma.
However, I intend to take a base class different from those and would like to level it as high as possible. As a non-human, I'd rather avoid dipping, since that pesky XP penalty will hinder my advance.
How can I obtain Turn attempts/day without committing to a base class? Prestige Classes are an option that I would rather avoid, but could do (since they don't bring XP penalties) as long as they don't require me having another base class as well (which does bring XP penalties).
We are specifically playing 3e. Material for related editions may be acceptable, but I'm not too sure.