My barbarian needs more rage, so I'd like to equip the party with an eternal wand of blood frenzy, but an eternal wand can only employ an arcane spell.
How can an eternal wand (Magic Item Compendium 159-60) holding the 2nd-level druid spell blood frenzy [trans] (Spell Compendium 33) be created?
There's no druid in the party, but several characters have the skill Use Magic Device far in excess of mine and at least one has the feat Craft Wondrous Item, so using the eternal wand once created is not a big deal for them, and supplying obscure prerequisites, if necessary, can be done with relative ease. Being level 5 with appropriate wealth by level, I'm relying on 300-gp potions of blood frenzy, and, while that's reasonable (I don't really think I'll need, over the course of the 15 remaining levels, 15+ potions of blood frenzy), it's reassuring to have a times-per-day item rather than a bunch of expendable ones. Further, I know that a wand of blood frenzy (2nd-level spell at caster level 3) (90 gp/charge; 0 lbs.) costs, initially, only a small amount of gp more than a corresponding eternal wand and I could use that instead, but the campaign's a long-term one and, if I end up not needing the wand, the potential resale value of such a used wand will likely be less than the resale value of the eternal wand. (As an aside, an eternal wand doesn't make me involuntarily mentally calculate how much each round of combat costs me monetarily—hey, peace of mind is important, even for a barbarian.)
My initial thoughts were the feat Southern Magician (Races of Faerûn 168) or befriending a monster that casts druid spells as arcane spells, but the former's no help because "[t]he actual source of the spell's power doesn't change" (so it's still a divine spell albeit a confusing one), and the Monster Manual lacks appropriate creatures capable of the latter.
Pricing Information:
Spell Level: 2nd; Caster Level: 3rd; Price (Item level): 4,420 gp (9th); Spellcraft DC: 16; Costs to Create: 2,210 gp, 176 XP, 3 days
Other Prerequisites:
Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, the spell contained in the eternal wand.