I'd like to verify my understanding of the Shaman's Fetish Creator edge.
When a fetish is created, can it be created out of any spell available to the player's shaman, or any spell that can be cast by a shaman? I originally thought the first but upon re-reading I noticed the "Still subject to rank restrictions" which implies that it's not subject to being known by the player.
Once per game session, the shaman can create a magic talisman and imbue it with arcane energy. The device uses any power available to the shaman (though this is still subject to Rank restrictions).
And just to verify, it's once per session and it doesn't seem to "Expire", meaning you could carry around a backpack full of these things or sell them if you wanted. They don't seem to be subject to the restriction of "Tying Up" your arcane energy.
This seems fairly on par with the alchemy edge now (Which is limited to powers you know)