When I played 2nd Edition Ravenloft, it was known within that setting that Van Richten's Guides were something that actually existed within the campaign, not just something that we all bought from TSR. Similarly, Strahd's diaries were also within the setting - and Van Richten had read them.
However, I do not recall any published material from, Khelban Blackstaff, nor Elminster - and it is interesting that such wizards of such power would have no "published material" within the Forgotten Realms.
Am I wrong in this assumption? Are there in-game/in-setting published material for notable NPC's with the Forgotten Realms? Or is it something, I as a DM, would have to just 'make-up' along the way? I have players that often like to 'go to the town's library.' I like to stay as canon as I can before I have to fill in gaps.
I don't want a comprehensive list. I want to know if 1) there are; 2) a few examples of where to look. The answer of Yes and here are a few examples is more than sufficient. The most notable NPC is the best and most correct answer.