Deadlands: Reloaded rules say Fanning the Hammer works like Automatic Fire from Savage Worlds:
Assuming his six-gun is fully loaded, he may fire up to 6 shots in a single action as if taking the Automatic fire maneuver. Each shot suffers a -4 Shooting modifier [snip]
I think the rules mean to say the player who wants to fan the hammer gets to make six attack rolls. But this clearly conflicts Savage Worlds Automatic fire rules, where the weapon's Rate of Fire means the amount of attack rolls to be made when firing the same amount of bullets squared:
The Rate of Fire is how many Shooting dice the character rolls while firing the weapon. [snip] Each die rolled for a fully-automatic weapon represents a number of actual bullets equal to its rate of fire. An Uzi with a Rate of Fire of 3, for example, uses 3 rounds of ammunition per shot (or 9 bullets if it fires with all 3 dice).
Six attack rolls would imply a Rate of Fire of six - that's four times as fast as a gatling gun in terms of shots per turn, and seems to be quite overpowered - not to mention that the revolver only has six chambers, not 36. But that's the only reasonable way I can think of: I would rather not roll ~2.45 dice (square root of six) to resolve the attack. How is this supposed to work?
(house rulings for resolving the fanning confusion are welcome, as long as they're backed with either personal or documented experience)