I rolled a Cavalier as a random class in a Skulls and Shackles game for a little extra excitement. Being a masochist I decided to roll with it, but took more than a couple optional rules/variants in order to make a class that's supposed to be about teamwork and horses work in a setting that's about pillaging and ships.
At the end of the day I ended up with a Human Cavalier using the Huntmaster Archetype, with an Osprey Animal Companion.
While looking through some min-max threads, I stumbled upon this one, which mentions an advancement variant whereby I could give my AC +2 DEX at level 4 instead of +2 STR:
How to create a useful bird companion?
While this option seems fantastic, I can't seem to find mention of it anywhere. Has anyone seen this option in the wild, and if so can you provide me a source?