If Jimmy Two-Tusk, ork decker extraordinaire, wants to hack an enemy's commlink, he rolls his Hacking + Logic + hits on the assist test from his R6 Agent, an autonomous program whose programming allows for helping deckers on Hacking, Cybercombat, and Computer tests. But now Jimmy wants to snoop around on some matrix traffic, and thinks his Electronic Warfare + Logic isn't going to cut it.
Drones can have Pilots, autonomous programs that follow orders to use the drone's equipment (guns, communication, Autosofts, etc.). Autosofts are programs loaded onto a drone that allow the drone to use the skill listed on the autosoft. Pilots range from consumer-grade "dog brains" to milspec VI's, capable of logical reasoning and learning.
My question: can a drone roll its Pilot + Electronic Warfare (Autosoft) to assist a decker's Snoop attempt? Recent drones from Rigger 5.0 with the Electronic Warfare Autosoft seem to corroborate this, as they are employed by the Grid Overwatch Division with the express purpose of watching Matrix communication and would be rather useless if the drone could not roll its Pilot + Electronic Warfare to do Matrix actions such as Snoop.