This question is a follow-up to the comments in this answer What ways exist to consistently and reliably grant my allies advantage on the attack roll?
I was confused about timing terms and effects that last 1 minute, like the barbarian rage, for example. Until now, I was sure that each character had approximately 6 seconds to act, and then on his next turn, 1 minute would have passed.
It turns out I am mistaken, as the others users pointed out, and the PHB (p. 181) also says the following:
In combat and other fast-paced situations, the game relies on rounds, a 6-seconds span of time described in chapter 9.
If I understand this correctly, everyone engaged in combat takes turn in the same round, which means in the same 6 seconds. Then another round goes up, etc. This also means that there are 10 rounds in a single minute.
Now this is what disturbs me: in the adventure I am running (party is now level 6), I am pretty sure that most fights we had didn't last 10 rounds..
Is combat supposed to be this quick ?
(I would like to note that even if most of the fights didn't last very long, some of them were difficult and/or deadly, so I don't think it's a matter of difficulty.)