So, I'm trying to make a fast food/business wizard (McCaster's Burgers). The idea being that I capture a Hydra and preserve it with flesh to stone. Whenever I need more meat for the Big Cast Burger, I would cast stone to flesh on the Hydra, cut off a head, let it regrow and then re-stone it to preserve the freshness of the Hydra.
Infinite meat here, so the Hydra could supply a McCaster's restaurant forever. I'm ending world hunger, 1 spell at a time. I can even sell them cheap, as the production costs are low.
Now the problem here is PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Aberrations). My wizard needs to hide the Hydra. I was thinking once the hydra is turned to stone, I could shape it into a flower bed using Shape Stone. Now the problem is what happens when I turn the Hydra thats been altered as such back to flesh using stone to flesh?
none of these spells do damage per-say.
I am not cutting anything until they are in flesh state.
If I cut a Hydra flower head from the Hydra bed, would the Hydra regrow a head, and in what shape?