In a few weeks I'm starting a game of old school D&D for a group of fairly new players, and I'd like to be able to have a few published modules to drop on my hex map, so I can mix it up a bit and run something a little different from my own stuff. I have Death Frost Doom, Tower of the Stargazer, *Hammers of the God,* and the first 4 issues of Fight On!, but the weird science-y central conceit of Stargazer wouldn't work at all in my campaign, and I'm not sure I want to inflict DFD on this crew just yet. Hammers of the God is a possibility but it's a little too high level, at least for the start of the game, and while a few of the Fight On! dungeons might work, I'm wondering what else is out there. I know I'm not aware of every old school module that's available right now.
Can anyone recommend some low-level (1-4), site-based old school D&D adventures? (I'm specifically running Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Weird Fantasy RPG, but anything written for Basic, OD&D, AD&D 1e or 2e, or one of the retro-clones should work fine. As long as it's still in-print or not so badly out of print that I can't find it on Ebay.) I'm particularly interested in: ancient tombs, ancient evil temples, anything that used to be one of the former but that something else has since moved in to, a desert/wasteland theme, a deep-in-the-forbidden-jungle theme, the sewer/underworks of a city (preferably despotic, but I can provide my own despotism if necessary), anywhere Conan would hang out, snake people, jackal-people, vaguely medieval angels-and-demons a la Diablo 2, and vaguely Mesopotamian/Ancient Egyptian architecture or style.