
This is the first time I'm going to play a spell caster, Cleric specifically, and some of the spells and cantrips have 'V' for 'Verbal'.

I'm not awesome at Roleplaying, but I'd like to get better.

I'm a Life Domain Cleric devoted to Pelor, the god of sun and healing. So rather than just saying 'I touch the Rogue and cast Spare the dying', what are canon phrases or chants I can use to be more in depth with my character?

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    – V2Blast
    Commented Mar 4, 2022 at 17:59

3 Answers 3


There are no canonical answer to your question in the 5e range of products. There may be something to be found in the Gord the Rogue series by Gary Gygax as Pelor is a Greyhawk deity but that is a lot of research that involve books that are mostly out of print.

What I recommend instead it to look towards Fantasy Live Action Roleplaying Games that use boffer weapons. The one I played, NERO LARP, the mechanic for spell casting was to say the incant and then touch or hit a person with a soft seed filled packet.

You can download their rule book from their website.

For example

I call upon the Earth to Cure Light Wounds

With Eldritch Force I build a Mystic Lock

I call forth a Magic Missile.

etc. They are found on page 66.

Solar is another boffer fantasy LARP with their rulebook on line. The spells start on Page 57.

To keep it manageable I would develop a phrase for each of the school of magic with a spot where you fill in the spell name. Then develop variations over time. For example Cure Wounds is a evocation spell so you say for all evocation spells "I call upon the Light to (spell name)". I call upon the Light to Cure Wounds.

Both NERO, Solar, and many other LARPS have been around a while. Because of this, the phrase mechanic has had a lot of playtesting behind it.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I was going to mention LARP also. Other than that, there's just scraping the various fiction for anything a caster might have said. Usually it's just "mumbling in an unknown tongue", though. \$\endgroup\$
    – LAK
    Commented Apr 18, 2016 at 14:52

Yeah, it's a fair question but the answer is, and is likely to remain, there aren't any canon spellcasting chants or anything remotely resembling such, for historical reasons. Basically, people thought that DND involved learning how to actually cast spells, which was not helped by the fact that the early writers did do some anthropological research on various magical traditions, including contemporary ones, for their worldbuilding. There was a massive moral panic, and DND became strongly associated in the popular consciousness with Satanism, suicide, and various forms of blasphemy. So in later editions, they removed many explicit references to the supernatural, including even getting rid of demons for a while, to appease people's fears. This is why we can't have nice things.

So, you're pretty much on your own. RS Conley has a good answer using English words; if you want to sound a bit more mystical, I'm a fan of nonsense words or syllables such as those found in the PC game Nox; and of course there's always faux Latin like in Harry Potter or any of a number of other fictional works. But as far as D&D canon goes, I doubt you'll find anything.


Using the word canon with respect to Dungeons and Dragons is a bit nebulous.

According to the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a fan site,

There is no generally accepted, official, hard-and-fast set of rules given by TSR, Inc. (TSR) or Wizards of the Coast (WotC) for determining outright what is canon [...]

However, it does go on to explain,

authors' recommendations and fan consensus.

and mentions various, sometimes inconsistent views of canon.

Given that, this community almost certainly has it's own views on canon that may or may not agree with the FR Wiki.

Potentially canon

All that to say, while there are officially licensed books and video games that do include spell chants, they are unlikely to be viewed by all fans as "canon".


I and other players have created our own, usually using a classical language like ancient Greek or Latin. You can pull up google translate or another online translation tool and enter details you think important to the spell and get some verbal components. For example, you might translate Sacred Flame to Latin, sacra flamma. You may even want to use an in-universe language translator like Draconic or Elvish.

Good luck!

  • \$\begingroup\$ So in a technical sense, this doesn’t answer the question, but I think it provides valuable insight in the idea of “canon” that gets at the trouble with the question, so +1. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 23 at 15:20

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