Using the word canon with respect to Dungeons and Dragons is a bit nebulous.
According to the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a fan site,
There is no generally accepted, official, hard-and-fast set of rules given by TSR, Inc. (TSR) or Wizards of the Coast (WotC) for determining outright what is canon [...]
However, it does go on to explain,
authors' recommendations and fan consensus.
and mentions various, sometimes inconsistent views of canon.
Given that, this community almost certainly has it's own views on canon that may or may not agree with the FR Wiki.
Potentially canon
All that to say, while there are officially licensed books and video games that do include spell chants, they are unlikely to be viewed by all fans as "canon".
I and other players have created our own, usually using a classical language like ancient Greek or Latin. You can pull up google translate or another online translation tool and enter details you think important to the spell and get some verbal components. For example, you might translate Sacred Flame to Latin, sacra flamma. You may even want to use an in-universe language translator like Draconic or Elvish.
Good luck!