First off, wow, +3AC in magic items? Yeah, your DM is being VERY liberal with the magic items. (also, as an aside, how does Lay on Hands not help in combat? an action to heal up to 35hp in one go? that's amazing! that's like two-thirds of your max health!)
Assuming no utility magical items or enchanted weapons (other than the generic +1/+2/+3 or +fire/cold/etc...) here's what I have:
Note that without knowing the types of creatures you have been fighting / expect to be fighting (large groups vs single/pair; creatures vs humanoid; spellcasters vs martial opponents; social vs combat encounters), the answers may vary. I've tried to note what things each could be good for.
If you fight lots of spellcasters, and if your party has a few melee members, then 7th level of pali will be an excellent choice. Half damage vs spells for everyone w/i 10 ft? yes please. Follow up with ASI (see feat discussion below), 3rd level spells, and fear immunity (very useful vs large, scary creatures), and I'm sure exactly what you're looking for if these appear lackluster.
If you consistently fight groups of weaker foes, then multi classing into sorc or 'lock may give you some access to AoE spells, but only if you're willing to wait for 5 levels or so... still, if you find yourself wanting more spells, they may be the way to go.
If your DM emphasizes social encounters over combat, then bard may be useful. Most of their spells are control and social related tho, so if you've got control covered, might not be much to see here.
If you constantly fight single opponents, or small groups of more powerful opponents, then barbarian might be fun, especially given you're a half-orc. Won't help with your spellcasting, and in this case you won't get any benefit from unarmored defense, but it will give you some extra damage and damage resistance.
fighter could be useful for action surge, or if you really want another fighting style, but I don't know that more than a few levels would be that useful. Second wind doesn't do much vs your lay on hands, and even if multi-attacks stacked (they don't), you'd need to stick around through level 5...
I'd stay away from druids, monks, rogues, wizards, clerics, and rangers, since they will make your Character MAD as all get out.
as far as feats, consider the following:
Athlete, if often knocked prone
Charger, if you are often attacking ranged or spread out opponents
Durable, to get a little more HP
Great Weapon Master, if you use a heavy weapon
Heavy Armor Master, for a bit more HP (through the reduction of all incoming mundane weapon damage).
Lucky, because everyone could use a little more luck
Mage Slayer, if you're often fighting magic users
Martial Adept, if you'd like more utility in your sword play
Mobile, if you have a hard time reaching their back line (and often have to get there)
Resilient, if you want prof on Concentration checks (plus more hp)
Savage Attacker, if you feel you don't do enough damage
Sentinal, if you wanted a bit more crowd control, or if your opponents often disengage on you and/or fight in melee with you and another party member)
Shield Master, +2 to dex saves, plus rogues evasion if you make a save, and the ability to impose disadvantage with your reaction (not that useful since you already do that with the protection fighting style).
Tough, if you wanted more HP
War caster, Adv on conc checks, the rest probably don't do much... most pali spells are V only.
Of course an ASI is always good too, +1 to hit and damage if you pick STR, +1 to hit and Save DC if you do CHA, or +7 Hp if you do CON