In Pathfinder and 3.x (and possibly other systems I imagine?), diagonal movement is handled by a 1-2 rule to simplify calculation; first diagonal move is 1 square, then 2, then 1, and etc. But what happens if you end your move on a 1-square step?
For example, let's say somehow you have speed of 35 ft., or 7 squares. How many squares could you move diagonally in a single round? If you consider each move action separately, then you would end up with 10 squares, as you could move 5 squares (1-2-1-2-1 = 7) in a single move action. However, if you consider both consecutively, you'd only have 9 squares (1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1 = 13, and since the next diagonal move would be 2 squares you can't take it).
I can see arguments both ways via RAI: On one hand, it makes sense to consider a double move as one long move taken over the course of two separate move actions. But on the other it seems strange that you'd move less in a single double-move round than you would in two single-move rounds (Unless it persists across rounds even? But that seems crazy in terms of bookkeeping.)
I'd lean towards saying it does reset after a move action for simplicity's sake, but I was curious if there was any RAW answer for this in either 3.5 or Pathfinder. (Or 3.0 even, if there's one digging that far back.)