I have a Ranger3 Blood Hunter3 in a CoS campaign. The ranger multi-classed into bloodhunter for flavor and role play. He has chosen Order of the Lycan.
One of the abilities allows them to make 1d6(scaling with level) unarmed strikes. How should I handle the use of the spell Hunters Mark while using the unarmed strike?
I know that monks can make unarmed strikes in lieu of weapon attacks but would that trigger Hunter's Mark? Also would this roll over to the Blood Hunter homebrew class as well?
Hunter Mark reads "you deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit with a weapon attack" Can I concider the Blood Hunter unarmed strikes to be weapons?
Thank you both for your answers and insight on my inquiry. I guess this is being flagged a duplicate and in a way it may be. The other post didn't come up on my search regarding the Blood Hunter or Hunters Mark and unarmed strikes. I'm going to let this get mark duplicate and link over to the other page. Thanks again.