This is an extension of a previous question that comes in two parts, and is based on the following problem.
I've personally been in multiple encounters where the module as written assumed that the party would get much further without the need for a long rest, but the party was clearly tapped out and would not have survived subsequent encounters without one. Unfortunately, taking a long rest would give the opportunity for the enemies to either escape or be doubly prepared for the PCs when they next encounter the party.
Part one:
How can you build a party to minimize the need for long rests and still be effective? (While effective is a relative term, a party of all fighters won't work very well.)
For example, in considering party composition, Warlocks recover spells after a short rest, rarely require a long one, but don't normally have access to things like healing spells or many utility spells.
Part two:
How useful would it be to minimize the need for long rests?
As a player or DM, how often do you run into a situation where the party needed to take a long rest, but it would have dramatically altered the story?