Ok, I understand that the cause of Perils is based entirely upon the luck of the dice, and that a Psyker can purchase abilities to reduce the chance of being affected by/invoking the Perils of the Warp. However, as a Techpriest I'm really at the mercy of the Dice Gods.
To give some background, my Techpriest (Hadden) is a very logical character, to the point where he almost rejects the ability of the Psyker(s) in the party. From an RP perspective, these Warp events are inexplicable, purely due to the fact that he doesn't have enough information to accurately quantify them. While he has made the connection to the Psyker being the source of these events, he is ignorant to the cause of them.
Some examples of these situations are:
- During a raid on a warehouse, after several enemies violently convulsing and falling from the gangway to their death (Hadden was standing in front of the Psyker, with his back to her, and she was casting Spasms at the enemy). Suddenly, without explanation, his Potentia Coil just shut down.
- While watching a duel in an arena, Hadden was simply minding his own business, and unbeknownst to him, the Psyker was again casting Spasms to rig the game. All of a sudden, a giant ball of lightning engulfed the entire arena, nearly killing Hadden (I burned a Fate point at this stage to stay alive).
- After a skirmish, the Psyker offered to heal Hadden. As soon as she did so, he was momentarily transported to another dimension. He doesn't remember much of the place, but he did gain Insanity points from the experience.
- During a large scale combat, he was again struck in the back by bio-lightning, similar to the attack in the arena. Once again, a fate point was burned to keep the character alive. This was then immediately followed by a torrential downpour of blood rain, leading to more Insanity points.
TL;DR: The Psyker has dealt enough damage to me to kill me nearly 4 times, and driven me over the first threshold of insanity purely through Perils of the Warp.
So, obviously a simple solution would be to keep a fair distance between myself and the Psyker at all times, but that's impractical and doesn't gel very well in RP. Is there any other way that I can protect myself from these events, or at least reduce their effect, either through upgrades or stat improvements, or some other solution in an RP perspective?