Before you even get to the point where you need to start talking technical, it's worth taking some time to head off that sort of necessity in the first place. Often this won't be possible, it's worth trying to focus the scene around character interactions rather than the technology being used. That should head off many of the dangers of sounding off when making up technological phrases and words.
But if you do find yourself in a situation where it's necessary, here's the core of what you should do.
Avoid having to actually describe abstract processes in-character. If you're in such a situation, gloss over as much of what your character is doing as possible. You can do that fairly easily by limiting things to actions that are easy to understand, or honestly even just saying "yay! we did it!" Consider the following two examples:
Michelle: "Give me a moment, I'm going to set up the field generator."
Lars: "Sweet, you need any help?"
possible lines:
Michelle: "Nah, I'm just gonna rejigger a couple things and we're good."
Michelle: "Yeah, can you flip that switch over there?"
Compare with:
Michelle: "Give me a moment, I'm going to set up the field generator."
Lars: "Sweet, you need any help?"
Michelle: "Yeah, can you realign the beryllium sphere to point west?"
Lars: "Alright, I did that, but the quantum phase detractors are desynchronizing."
Michelle: "Oh, shoot, I'm going to reset the power field wave generator, one moment!"
etc. etc. There's a hidden trap here: the latter scene might seem or feel more interactive, but in reality, neither player really has any understanding of what's going on - they're both going through the motions of "do some stuff, then some stuff happens." If there's a critical point in character, skip to it. Don't dawdle.
Go as far as you can with real (or already-established) terminology. This is going to depend on your level of knowledge, and the level everyone else is playing at, but the further you go using real words that describe real processes, the more realistic (go figure) your end result is going to sound. This requires a bit of thought and work, and can be hard to do on the spot, but it's a good place to start overall. Don't make up something new to describe something that can already plausibly be done.
Also, if you've already introduced new terminology for a process or method, you're welcome to include it here. If everyone's already agreed on which words mean what, that's fine, and counts as established terminology.
Plan and introduce in advance. If the details of some technology, method, or process are going to become relevant (instead of just accepting that the process exists), it's worth fleshing out in a bit more detail in advance. Why? If you can establish new terms and words, then you can follow the above advice and keep people more engaged in the scene. They'll understand what's going on if they have a better sense of what needs to happen.
Be sparse. Even if you're doing both of the above, don't use too many technical words at once. When too many technical terms and phrases make their way into roleplaying, it starts to sound like a joke.
"We need to realign the quantum nuclear crystals in the phase detractors of the wave generator to establish warp uplink! Hurry!"
Instead, consider:
Michelle: "Hey, can you reset the whatzit over there? Wave generator's giving me problems."
Notice that "quantum nuclear crystals" and "phase detractor" can be compressed into "whatzit" at no cost, and "establish warp uplink" can be left sort of... implied, probably by context.
Be internally consistent. If you're going to use real words to describe fictional processes, only combine words if they have a good a priori reason to be together. As an example, "the power grid is undergoing hydrostatic overload!" While it makes intuitive sense that a power grid can be overloaded... hydrostatic isn't exactly a great choice of words. Even if we're talking about a hydroelectric plant, hydrostatic is still not the correct choice of words.
It's true that this requires some baseline familiarity with what words mean, but if you're going to be making up technological stuff, that's not exactly a bad thing. Getting some familiarity with the terms you want to use in advance will allow you to select better ones on the spot.
- Be generally minimalist. Real Science (TM) doesn't use very many new words to describe ideas. A new word or phrase is usually added only when there's something very new to describe - otherwise, old words tend to be efficient. Any given problem or process is only liable to use a handful of words, and going beyond just a few technical terms is going to make it seem a little fake.
The tl;dr of the above boils down to this: it doesn't really matter what you pick, given that a) you don't pick too many words, and b) the words you pick are reasonably relevant. What I wrote above is long, but it's long because tech talk in a role-playing game is hard to do well. That's why I really recommend that you avoid it if you can, and if you must, establish in advance as much as possible.