I've been trying to figure out the reason behind the madness that is the internal ordering system of Wizards of the Coast rulebooks (for ordering my own collection appropriately)
Sadly, as it turns out, Wizards of the Coast have three different numbering systems, which doesn't immediately seem to be compatible, namely, there's the 5-digit numbers with a TSR or WTC prefix (eg. Players Handbook TSR11550 and Psionics Handbook WTC11835), then there's the 9-digit numbers starting with a 1 (eg. Player's Handbook v3.5 1775240000) and then there's the 9-digit numbers starting with 8 or 9 (eg. Book of Vile Darkness 881610000 and Races of the Dragon 953697200)
So my question is: Does WotC's product numbering mean anything? Can I organize my collection of d20 books according to it?