I'm working on figuring out what armor I should be saving gold towards for my Lore Oracle and ran into a question on two different armors, specifically Darkleaf Hide and a Mithril Chain Shirt.
From what I can tell from the CRB, both materials reduce the Arcane Spell Failure chance by 10%, increase the maximum Dexterity bonus by 2, and decreases the Armor Check Penalty by 3. Both materials also cut the weight of the item in half. Based on that, the stat lines for each item look like this:
Mithril Chain Shirt +4 AC; +6 Max Dex Bonus; 0 ACP; 10% AFR; 30/20 Speed; 12.5 lbs
Darkleaf Cloth Hide +4 AC; +6 Max Dex Bonus; 0 ACP; 10% AFR; 20/15 Speed; 12.5 lbs
The only difference between the stats in these two armors is speed, which is worse for the Darkleaf Hide. However, the Darkleaf Hide armor also costs more than the Mithril Chain Shirt (1,515 gp vs 1,100 gp).
I feel like I must be missing something here. Assuming a character is proficient in both light and medium armor and isn't a druid, is there a reason they would purchase the Darkleaf Hide over the Mithril Chain shirt?